about betahaus


11:00 - 11:30




Members: Free

Non-Members: Free


Organised by: betahaus


Connect with Berlin’s startup community on the topics that matter.

betaSalon is a concept we started in 2019 to bring our community and network closer together. To give space to topics that are close to our hearts, ask the hard questions, and share our experiences over a couple of drinks.

Now, more than ever, it’s essential that we find ways to connect with one another, regardless of where we are in the world. That’s why we’re taking betaSalons online! We’re inviting speakers with expertise in matters of love, mindset, and social change for a fireside chat. You can send us your topics and questions ahead of time and join us live from your couch, kitchen table, or from anywhere on the road. And if you can’t make it on time, we’ll be sharing the events in our community channels so you can watch them whenever. 

Would like to participate in betaSalon yourself? Write to nina@betahaus.de.

Past Events:

May 15, 2020 - Digital betaSalon Vol. 10 - "Leave the stage fear behind" with Aviran Edri

May 5, 2020 - Digital betaSalon Vol. 9 - "On going remote: The story of music label 'Bar25 Music'" with Danny Faber

April 28, 2020 - Digital betaSalon Vol. 8 - "Self-Leadership for the Digital Age" with Maximilian Hild

April 21, 2020 - Digital betaSalon Vol. 7 - "Sustainable Finances" with Mirko Lange

April 16, 2020- Special Digital betaSalon live on Instagram - "Community Building in Lockdown Times", with Urban Sports Club

April 14, 2020 - Digital betaSalon Vol. 5 - "Career in Crisis, Coaching to the Rescue?" with Jörn Hendrik Ast

April 7, 2020 - Digital betaSalon Vol. 4 - "Take Care of Your Mood Swings" with Stefano Carpani

April 3, 2020 - Digital betaSalon Vol. 3 - “Self-Care in Times of Change” with Coco & Clay Cosmetics

March 27, 2020 - Digital betaSalon Vol. 2 - “Strategies for Disruptive Change” with Dream Facilitation

March 20, 2019: Digital betaSalon Vol. 1  “Personal Relationships during Home Office” with School of Love Berlin

November 2019: Wanted: Changemakers - From ideas to positive social change

August 2019:  Mother+Founder - betaSalon & FemGems Live Podcast

May 2019: - #EP19 - This Time Counts! Fighting for Democracy together

Looking to get involved in our community? You might also like betabreakfast, betabeer or our office hours.

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