about betahaus

Our Mission:
Making everyone into an entrepreneur.

Our Story

It all started in a 250m² warehouse in Kreuzberg. It was 2009 and we were just six students who wanted to create an unconventional workspace. One where people could collaborate. Where innovators and misfits could break from the traditional office environment and imagine the impossible.

We unknowingly created the first coworking space in Berlin before it became one of Europe’s leading startup cities.

Why betahaus?

We called our space betahaus because we believe life should be about always being open to change, and never getting stuck in routines just because they’re comfortable. We're always learning and growing. Always making mistakes and always improving.

We've lived and worked this way for more than 10 years and we're confident when we say that life is better lived in beta.

betahaus is about being in beta. We love to innovate and we hack our traditions, structures, concepts and spaces constantly.

Who we are

We are a team who eats breakfast together. We do yoga sometimes, too. We are parents and founders and pet owners who still make time to stay out late for a good summer party. We know people from all over the world (and come from far and wide, too).

We're experts at work and misfits and makers on the side. Our team is a tight-knit group of ambitious entrepreneurial types who work together to make magic happen.

What we do

We create space. It's that simple.

Spaces for freelancers to work together. For teams to collaborate. For artists to create. For startups to host events. Flexible spaces that work for you and evolve to what you need. Spaces that foster connection and community.