about betahaus

28th April, 2020

11:00 - 11:30




Members: Free

Non-Members: Free


Organised by: betahaus

Digital betaSalon Vol. 8 - "Self-Leadership for the Digital Age"

Together with Maximilian Hild betahaus will continue our signature event series, betaSalon, as an online fireside chat.

We have realised how much we can learn during times of intense change. However, realisation is not always enough. We have to find a state of social and emotional safety first. How have these prerequisites of learning changed in recent weeks and what can we do to secure them for the future in a Digital Age? 

Technology has always been a double-edged sword. We have all the tools to cultivate self-awareness in order to successfully manage our health, motivation, and relationships - both, in our jobs and private lives. Shall we go offline to achieve that or is there a role that digital solutions can play in that process?

As a coach and trainer in mindful self-leadership for the Digital Age, Maximilian facilitates using the SIY (Search Inside Yourself) methodology created at Google. He has also been working on bringing mindfulness and compassion to the public school system and has supported many NGOs and social enterprises to stay motivated. 

The Program:

11:00 - 11:05 Welcome

11:05 - 11:20: Chat Maximilian & Andras

11:20 - 11:30: Times for questions from the community (submitted online before or Live Chat)

Feel free to submit questions via live-chat or beforehand to andras@betahaus.de.

About the Guest

Maximilian Hild trained as a somatic therapist, meditation teacher, facilitator and speaker on neurological foundations of social and emotional safety. A good deal of his works explores ancient wisdom traditions as means to empower social change makers. He is also the organiser and facilitator of the meetup called The Shift/ Compassion activism.