about betahaus
Taylor Record
December 27, 2017

Let's Look Back on Our Favorite Moments of 2017

2017 marks our 9th year since opening betahaus | Berlin. Each year since our founding has presented unique challenges, learnings, and opportunities, and this year was no different. From our new pricing model to the biggest Investors Day ever, here’s 2017 by the highlights.


We introduced our new membership options

After pioneering coworking in Europe 8 years ago, we decided to streamline our pricing model from a complex list of add-ons to two simple options: Club and Pro. Want to learn more about the logic behind the change? Read our article on Medium.

We made some big changes to our team & space

We said farewell to some of our most influential colleagues and welcomed new members onto the team (including our very own Miss MoneyPenny) in 2017. 


Hardware.co kicked off Batch #5

Hardware.co Batch #5 invited early-stage hardware startups in navigation and routing, logistics and supply chain, transport, vehicles, smart mobility, and AI in industry maintenance to accelerate over the course of 2 weeks. Read about the Demo Day on the Hardware.co blog.



Max got featured in Business Punk

Business Punk interviewed betahaus co-founder, Maximilian von der Ahé, for their Berlin-focused startup edition.


BETAPITCH had their first event of 2017 in Vienna

In May, BETAPITCH headed to Vienna for the first pitch competition of the year. 10 startups participated at sektor5, and Test My Bot continued on to compete for the grand prize at BETAPITCH Global in Berlin.


We hosted the third annual BNP Paribas Hackathon

This year at betahaus, BNP Paribas held their 36-hour hackathon for teams working with big data. Select teams moved on to collaborate with the industry leader in banking and take their ideas to the next level.

You joined us in Lemnos for the DNX Camp

Working from your laptop is a whole lot nicer on an island. Over the summer, we collaborated with DNX for the digital nomads camp in Lemnos, Greece. For 10-days, everyone who joined experienced coliving, coworking, workshops, networking, activities, sports, and a little bit of personal growth.


Hardware.co ran Batch #6

Hardware.co held their second accelerator of 2017, Batch #6, for startups working to improve our Quality of Life. Read more about the Show-and-Tell that took place in July on the Hardware.co blog.


One Coworking hosted their beta test party

Years of dreaming finally came together at the beta test party for One Coworking. The One Coworking app is a brainchild of betahaus Co-Founder Christopher Fahle that aims to empower digital nomads by offering global roaming for coworkers.


Our co-founders collaborated on the Copenhagen Letter at Techfestival

Our co-founders, Maximilian von der Ahé and Madeleine Gummer von Mohl, were invited to collaborate on The Copenhagen Letter. The letter emphasizes accountability in tech and outlines a way forward for design that is not only human-centered but humanity-centered.


We launched our new website!

Our marketing team spent most of 2017 in website sprints. The long days finally came to an end with the launch of our new website in October! We hope you love it as much as we do.

We started using OKRs

We were committed to improving our operations in 2017. In Q4, we introduced Objectives and Key Results (OKR) to help our internal teams define and and track objectives and their outcomes. We have our second session planned for January of 2018.

Madeleine got featured as one of Europe's 50 Most Influential Women in Tech

Our co-founder, Madeleine Gummer von Mohl, was nominated as one of the 50 most influential women in Europe’s startup and venture capital space.



Investors Day & BETAPITCH Global with Future Mobility Camp was BIG

Investors Day & BETAPITCH Global with Future Mobility Camp 2017 was our biggest event ever with 673 tickets sold. Take a peek at the photos and and event highlights from Investors Day 2017!

You joined us for the Community Christmas Party

Just before heading home for the holidays, we decked the halls, drank Glühwein, and got down at our Community Christmas Party.

We got a new baby in the 'haus

Our CFO, Johannes Lindinger, welcomed a baby into his family just in time for the New Year!

Thanks to everyone who showed up to make 2017 the year it was. Cheers to another year of growth and wild ideas. We've got some exciting announcements coming up for 2018, so we hope you'll stick around!