about betahaus

Bi-Weekly on Tuesday

15:00 - 17:00


betahaus Neukölln, Harzer Str. 39, Ground floor


Members: Free

Non-Members: Free


Organised by: betahaus

Mindful Self-Leadership for the Digital Age

betahaus | Office Hours are one-on-one free consultancy sessions (30 mins) with experts from our community to our community.

The world around us is increasingly volatile, fast, complex and distracting. In order to have impact and meaningful connections we need to be in touch with our selves first.

I will help you find and establish the right tools to cultivate the self-awareness it takes to successfully manage your health, motivation, and relationships - both, in your job and private life. It's going to be a deep journey to a place in which you will embody leadership as a way of being in service to the world.

About the Event holder
Maximilian trained as a somatic therapist, meditation teacher, facilitator and speaker on neurological foundations of social and emotional safety as a prerequisite for learning.

He works as a coach and trainer in self-leadership for the digital age and facilitates the SIY (Search Inside Yourself) methodology created at Google, that teaches mindfulness, neuroscience and emotional intelligence in the corporate context.

A good deal of his works explores ancient wisdom traditions as means to empower social change makers, like bringing mindfulness and compassion to the public school system and supporting NGOs and social enterprises to stay motivated and healthy.

Important Information
To secure your spot please register in advance by sending an email to m@compassionactivism.com. You should indicate the day of the session that you wish to attend. Please write a sentence or two sketching your problem / interest and share your phone number and one or two available call-back times. Session times vary from 30 to 60 min according to your needs. This Office Hours session is free for everyone.

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