about betahaus

Thursday, 6th July

18:00 - Late


betahaus Rooftop Garden, Rudi-Dutschke-Str 23, 10969 Berlin


Members: Free

Non-Members: Free


betahaus and Rules of Three

betaspritz with Rules of Three

A collective painting experience while enjoying some spritz on the rooftop!

Rules of Three is a project that aims to integrate the act of painting in many aspects of work and personal life. On the 6th of July, they will be hosting a collective painting experience as part of our betaspritz event at the betahaus rooftop terrace.

What to expect?

The idea of this event is to promote the unwinding benefits of painting, letting go of your thoughts, and expressing your intuition on a large-scale white canvas. The approach is simple: the attendees of the betaspritz will have access to colors, brushes, paint, and one huge blank canvas. Guided by Henri and Satyaki, who are the co-founders of Rules of Three, every person will have a time to paint anything they feel like expressing on the canvas. The participants are encouraged to not overthink it, and just let it out. There is no right or wrong. Every attendee will have input towards the final result, therefore capturing the communal creative output of everyone involved.

Also do you remember the small vases where our seedlings were living before planting them on our community garden? We kept a few so we can give them a new life by painting them as well! You can take them home after if you would like.


  • The canvas will be set in the space before the start of the event and will last till the last person standing.
  • Protective equipment for the people, as well as the floor will be provided.
  • No previous painting experience is required.

We're looking forward to painting together on the rooftop!

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