about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
September 26, 2011

Vernissage Stefan Guzy + Björn Wiede - „Analytischen Serigrafien“

You are very welcome to celebrate with us the new exibition of Stefan Guzy and Björn Wiede @ betahaus | Berlin.

Hey People in Beta, you are very welcome to celebrate with us the new exibition of Stefan Guzy and Björn Wiede @ betahaus | Berlin.

The vernissage will be on the 6th of October, 7pm.

The exhibition "Analytical serigraphs" shows screen prints by the artist duo Stefan Guzy and Björn Wiede, who analyse materiality in regard to the paint used in printing.

Driven by their passion of the novel and unexpected, Guzy and Wiede are in a constant process of extending the technical possibilities of screen printing. In their so called material analysis’ they make substances printable which are originally not made for printing, such as honey, soap and lipstick.

Guzy and Wiede are interested in materials that tell a story and are used in daily life. By printing these substances they are dissociated from their functionality and gain an entirely new significance. This process of transforming common materials into powerful visuals challenges ones senses to re-establish a new relationship toward the substance .However, something familiar like a specific smell or a characteristic texture remains like an echo, and reminds the beholder of the substance’s initial state.

The exibition is curated by the virtuell gallery Reign of Art which has it headquater at betahaus as well.

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