about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
December 23, 2011

Trash of the Month - Re-gift Your Wrapping Papper!

The crafty folks at Kulturlabor Trial&Error will show you how you can reduce waste by saving your Christmas wrapping paper and turning it into art. Comprised of various Berlin-based designers, artists, thinkers and activists, Trial&Error is a non-profit organisation that aims to promote sustainability and DIY culture through arts, crafts, and media.

How much wrapping paper will we waste this holiday season? The answer is simple – too much! With a little work, your leftover wrapping paper can turn out to be the best present you will have received this holiday season.

The crafty folks at Kulturlabor Trial&Error will show you how you can reduce waste by saving your Christmas wrapping paper and turning it into art. Comprised of various Berlin-based designers, artists, thinkers and activists, Trial&Error is a non-profit organisation that aims to promote sustainability and DIY culture through arts, crafts, and media. Some of their past projects have included yarn-bombing, dumpster-diving for usable food discarded by supermarkets, and setting up mobile upcycling workshops.

On Tuesday, January 10, Trial&Error, together with Open Design City, will hold a workshop as part of the forthcoming regular series, Trash of the Month, which will explore the various uses for discarded objects. This month’s project will show you how to turn used wrapping paper into street art, reducing waste and bringing splashes of colour to Berlin’s cold and grey winter landscape.

Bring your own used wrapping paper, and anything else you may wish to use. The workshop is free to attend, and begins at 8 PM at Open Design City.

Hope to see you there!

Click here for more events coming up this month!