about betahaus
Jack Henderson
July 20, 2016

The launch of a new pre-accelerator: Mighty Labs!

We have some big news for young startups! Today we're launching Mighty Labs, a new pre-accelerator program for up-and-coming entrepreneurs who are ready to build their ideas into thriving businesses.

What can you expect?

The program will help young founders to develop their ideas into strong products or services, market their business, and teach them how to manage a rockstar team. As well as that, the course will help them design business models and develop a pitch to help them acquire seed funding. Participants will gain insight into best practice in Europe, receive intensive training, and exchange experiences with fellow entrepreneurs: all in preparation to return home and launch their ventures successfully. Mighty Labs runs country, as well as theme-based cycles. This first cycle will focus on entrepreneurs from the MENA region.

More about the program:

The program consists of two 10-day sprints, right here in betahaus, with an intense online mentoring phase in between. The first sprint takes place from 15 to 27th of October and focusses on product development, business modelling and idea exchange. The second in-person sprint taking place from January 16th to 26th 2017, focusses on personal mentorship and marketing, and ends with a mini-pitch event that allows participants to present their ideas to a select group of mentors, angels and investors.

Stay up-to-date with more information about events and announcements!

Price / Scholarships:

The price for the entire program is 1950€, but Mighty Labs also provides scholarships which you can find more info on here. The sooner you apply, the better your chances to acquire sponsorship.