about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
June 19, 2012

The first fab café in Berlin!

WHAT: 1st Fab Café in Berlin WHERE: betahaus| Berlin WHEN: Soon! Oh, so soon!

As you could have noticed in one of our May blog posts, we were very inspired by the idea of Fab Café, which opened in Tokyo. Thought. -> Done! We got together with friends, experienced users of 3D printers and creators of cool stuff, and.. HERE WE GO! Our secret agent has already made his way to Holland, ordering one of the best 3d printers available at the moment.

In couple of days it`s gonna be delivered to betahaus. As soon as we get it in our hands and give it a welcome hug, the party will get started. We are going to combine this great prototyping and making technology with the best coffee in the world (which we truly know how to make). Your prototype will be printed out while you are having a cup of delicious coffee. The main idea is to provide wide accessibility to such a great invention as a 3D printer. After years of improvement, these machines have finally reached the optimal level of simplicity and reliability. So it`s the exactly right time to expand the number of its users.

The 3D printer will be there for both, professional designers and those, who just would like to try it out. As well as printing your own invention, created in Blender, Sketchup or 123D (and so many more) vector program, you could also pick up one of the models in Thingiverse or out of our 3D-model-selection (which we are creating at the moment). Simultaneously with Ocra`s arrival, we will start holding workshops on how to use it.

So, we are very excited about getting this project started. Until then, if you have any particular wishes, suggestions or questions regarding the Fab Café, let us know via comment!


Your betahaus team.

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