about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
June 26, 2013

The BETAPITCH | Global Finalists Are...

After 8 awesome local BETAPITCH events in Berlin, Cologne, Hamburg, Sofia, Barcelona, Vienna and Copenhagen during the last 10 months we selected 16 startup superstars which will compete against each other on the BETAPITCH | Global.

We won't tell you all the finalists yet - there should be some surprise! But you can be sure on July 6th you have the chance to meet the founders of some awesome startups located all around Europe! So make sure you save the date and book a ticket via eventbrite.

Here is a sneak peak of who's going to pitch:

We'll have a few startups out of the travelling sector like goeuro which helps you to plan the optimal way to travel around Europe. The founder of goeuro Naren Shaam a former betahaus| member just collected 4million $ seed funding.

Also on stage will be our one and only solarbrush! Don't miss his pitch! It is hilarious! The winner of the last betapitch | Berlin Ridha invented the first wireless robot that is able to clean solar panels - it can even jump from one to the other! We are very curious with which new improvement he'll come up this time!

Of course there will be also a few Apps like Swipes from Copenhagen which is a great simple & powerful daily task planner. It is based on a 3 menu bar and swiping gestures, inspired by Mailbox & GTD methods. It will help you to get your things done within just a swipe!

And because the criterias of the betapitch are not only "innovation", "business" model and "team" but also "meaning", we have Farmhopping and bikeway pitching. Farmhopping connects farms to urban people worldwide. It is an interactive social crowdfunding platform “where Facebook meets e-bay for farms.”

Bikway the winner of betapitch | Copenhagen is an experimental urban mobility startup. It's a fertilizer to implement Copenhagen cycling experiences in cities all around the world. We are very curious how they will manage to change the world of biking!!

And last but not least we are very happy to have Zenguard amongst the finalists, a one-click solution which uses a lightweight browser plug-in to allow users to surf the net securely, using encryption. Super important if you wanna google something in China for example! Zenguard is part of the Axel Springer Plug n Play Accelerator and just won a wildcard to the betapitch | global!

So it's gonna be a thrilling evening and it won't be easy for our jury members - amongst them Jake the founder of Vimeo - to decide which team will get the winning package including half a year space at betahaus for free, 10.000€ cash by hub:raum, 2 weeks at blackbox mansion and at the Plug n Play Techcenter to check out the Silicon Valley not to mention the trip to Paris powered by mailjet. 

More upcoming events and announcements you can find in our beta calendar!