about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
December 11, 2009

TEDxtheKreuzBERG @betahaus

Yay, what a night. During our TEDx Event yesterday we had so many talks on the bill that we didn't even get to the DJ Set before midnight. Since we didn't really planned this to be a huge event, we were quite astonished about the over 180 "Berliners and Berlinerinnen" showing up around 7.30 pm to get seated.

The really interesting thing there besides the talks was the crowd itselve. Partly talking about "betahausians" there were also quite a bunch of international people around side by side with local social media heros. This is just the glocalistic hub spirit we tried to have implanted into the betahaus DNA.

As you can see on the programm on the right we had real music, bridge music, green Misters as well as green nomads, whole star systems, heart sounds, a whole berg and disruptive architecture thing (yes it was weird). See Anna Lenas graphical recordings below for a nice contentwise way of looking at the talks.

TEDxKreuzberg Singing Bridges
TEDxKreuzberg Mr Green


TEDxKreuzberg Prinzessinengärten


TEDxKreuzberg palomar5


TEDxKreuzberg The Sound Of My Heart


TEDxKreuzberg The Berg


As soon as the video recordings are ready, we will post them here and on the global TEDx site, too. As it felt really good to host the TEDxKreuzbeg I guess this won't be the last time we did it. But let's see what the guys from TED think. ;)

Check out the Slideshow from Flickr tagged "TEDx" and "betahaus"

Cheers and see you soon in betahaus
