about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
March 5, 2013

Studying Arts and Selling Copy Machines - Ralph Riecke and His Office Hour

Business analyst Ralph Riecke came back to betahaus and is offering an Office Hours to share his experience and help startups to deal with the problems they usually don’t even think about or don't expect to come up.

Who are you?

I am a business analyst at hub:raum, the incubator program of Deutsche Telekom. Prior to that I worked as a strategic consultant and have many years of marketing and sales experience. I spend two years in San Francisco working as an consultant on ICT innovation projects and scouting for potential businesses. Before flying over to the US, I worked for a mobile, location based, social community  startup here in Berlin, Germany where I practiced my startup and business skills.

After coming back to Berlin from Silicon Valley I joined the hub:raum, the incubator & accelerator program of Deutche Telekom. I really enjoy working together with people who are passionate and excited about the work that they’re doing here. For me it is a perfect way how to apply my knowledge and experience on the new businesses which apply at hub:raum and bring it together with the resources of Deutche Telekom (DT).

What are you working on at hub:raum?

My field of work ranges from application-inflow analysis, deal negotiation and also consulting with the startups that are in the incubation program. It is important to estimate the fit of the startup into DT in the very beginning and also vice verser, see if we fit to the team.

During the acceleration program I provided consulting to the startups that we had here and gave them some insights and advices on the VC business. The program provided the startups with networking and mentoring from highly experienced people and programs like from GA., whichmakes the accelerator unique.

Why do you come back to the betahaus?

I appreciate to stay in touch with the betahaus community and try to give back, what betahaus provides to the Berlin Start-up scene. There are always many people  with different backgrounds perspectives which provide new insights and perspective on given processes and structures. I will offer my knowledge to the betahaus members – how to form their idea, structure it and consequently sell it to their customers and possible VC’s.

Which fields are you able to help out with?

During the office hours I’d like to share some of my experience that I gained throughout all my career and help the startups to deal with the problems they usually don’t even think about or the ones that will come up.

It includes investment perspectives, all business relevant topics and also the project management of the businesses, e.g. which milestones to set, which steps will lead them there and so one. I try to provide advice on a wide range of topics, reflecting my background where I’ve –studied at the University of Arts, was selling copy machines, worked in the Silicon Valley – I’m really looking forward meeting you...

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