about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
July 29, 2013

Startup of the Week: Thought of You

What is it?

Do you know that moment when you see something, hear a song or when you are at a certain locationand instantly think of someone? With Thought of You, an iPhone app (Android coming soon), you sendthese spontaneous thoughts to friends & family, by sending a photo, iTunes song preview, YouTubevideo or text. A thought really can be anything. The underlying message is always: “Check this out,this made me think of you…” A nice detail is that when you receive a thought, the push notificationon your phone screen reads - e.g. “Sally Thought of You”. The same way you show your friends whatmade you think of them, you discover what they associate with you. Over time, a truly uniquecollection of what connects you with friends & family emerges.


We want to trigger fun and meaningful communication and avoid that the “Thought of You moments”, as we call them, drown in our busy everyday lives. Also, we aim to offer the best solution to let you see at a glance what really connects you with friends & family - so you can also think of Thought of You as a diary, scrapbook or a photo album which automatically grows over time.

What are your plans with it?

Being in beta stage, the next step is a first proof of concept. To achieve that, we are working ongrowing the user base and to offer the Android version as quickly as we can. Meanwhile we arecontinuously improving the product and see how we can evolve. We therefore invite everyone to giveit a try and see if Thought of You works for him/her.

What were the challenges you’ve gone through?

Setting up a powerful team certainly has been the biggest obstacle. People are the main asset whenyou build something new. But also deciding on how to make best use of your resources (mainly timeand money) has been very challenging.

How does your team like working from betahaus?

At first, we were two people working on Thought of You full time, having external consultants andprogrammers. The team then grew step by step and in our case, betahaus has been proving to be theideal place for that process. We believe it to be also to be the right fit for the next steps tocome. It is a great place to work as it combines all necessary features of a modern workplace. Youcan focus on your job, meet like-minded people and have fun.

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