about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
May 21, 2013

Pitch Your Startup at New BETAPITCH | Barcelona!

BETAPITCH is coming to Barcelona and we are very excited to be hosting it at betahaus. Short before the BETAPITCH | Global will be in Barcelona on June 13th, 2013. BETAPITCH is a business idea competition where local startups will have the opportunity to compete with other international ventures to make a pitch about how they think their startup can make a difference in the world.

10 finalists will make a pitch about their idea in front of a jury and an audience. The 2 startups with the most potential will win 6 months of free workspace in our betahaus | Barcelona coworking, as well as a prize package which includes services that will help to give your project a boost. These 2 startups will also have to opportunity to travel to Berlin in July to compete against the other winners from other local events for the grand prize, a 7 month trip to all the coworking spaces from the betahaus family including travelling over to the Silicon Valley where spending 1 week at the blackbox mansion, having meetings with Google, Bootstrap Labs and many others.

We are looking for the ‘rockstars’ of the startup community, with ideas we can believe in. Ambitious ideas that just might make the world a little bit better, a little more interesting, or a bit more fun. If you think your startup fits this profile or you have an idea and a team or a prototype in place and are looking for a environment that can help you take it further, come and join us on June 13th, 2013 at BETAPITCH.

For more information about the prizes, jury and other information please visit BETAPITCH or to apply directly please visit the application page.

What's waiting for you after winning the BETAPITCH | Global? Check out the video!

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