Every Story Needs a Hero
Nils Seger is the Co-Founder and Senior Partner at RCKT. Drawing on his vast global experience in managing communications, media and marketing, he helps shape startup heroes and market leaders. Nils will be talking about why storytelling is more important than ever in a hyperconnected world and why every story needs a hero.
SEO Workshop – Become Number 1 on Google
Marcus Krautkrämer is one of the leading SEO-optimisation specialists at mediaworx, a full service internet production and marketing agency. He will teach you how to boost quality web traffic and make sure that you are the first name your potential clients come across online. Even better, you can get a personal SEO consultancy! For some hot tips on pushing your web page, send a link to krautkraemer@mediaworx.com no later than August 27th and Marcus will have your customised advice ready at the workshop!
Crowdfunding Success
Ernst Neumeister founded CrowdCamp in 2014 to teach aspiring entrepreneurs the tactics of successful crowdfunding. Ernst's workshop will explore the various platforms and explain how to make reward systems work in your favour.
From Company Foundation to Full-Range Management
Dr. Niels George knows all the ins and outs of tax law, commercial law and corporate law. Join his workshop to learn how to avoid the main business mistakes and keep your enterprise profitable and legally compliant. Dr. George's no-nonsense approach will give you more time to focus on your core business.
Put Your Idea Under Pressure Before Others Do It
Christoph Räthke started his career in the digital world way back in 1996. Almost two decades and a long list of successful projects later he founded the Berlin Startup Academy, a unique Open Source alternative to conventional accelerators. He's no stranger to failure though and he'll harness this insight to help you put your concept through the pressure test.
How to Turn Networks into a Super Power
Mark Turrell is the founder and CEO of Orcasci, a strategy and marketing agency; and the co-founder of Imaginatik, a pioneering firm in collective intelligence and corporate crowdsourcing techniques. Nominated as a Technology Pioneer by the World Economic Forum in 2008 and a Young Global Leader in 2010, Mark will tell you how to make networks work for you!
Where is the Human in the Digital?
Alexander Steinhart is a trained psychologist and the co-founder/CEO of ( OFFTIME ). He grew up with a keen interest in technology combined with an even greater passion for social dynamics and social change. Alexander will share with you technologies, design and tech usage habits that meet real human needs and will help you stay focused, mindful and happy. Find out how you can disconnect without missing out!
Present Yourself – A Sneak Preview in Presentation Skills
Bjørn de Wildt is a socially critical theatre maker who is concerned with the participatory role of the audience. He is artistic director of theatre group PlayBack Berlin and works with well regarded Berlin cultural institutions such as the Deutsches Theater. Bjørn's workshop will demonstrate how theatrical methods can improve your pitch and help you experience the potent power of storytelling.
StartupPressRoom: How to Build International Press Campaigns and Get More Results Faster
Olivia Czetwertynski is the founder of BECOMEWIDE, a PR agency specialising in helping startups flourish through successful international PR campaigns. At Olivia's workshop you'll get an insight into the same 7 step system she uses to help her clients achieve successful results with their press campaigns, even on a tight budget.
Creative Transformation
Patricia Cotton is an expert in business transformation, innovation and creative leadership. Patricia's workshop takes a multidisciplinary approach to the creative transformation of individuals and organisations. Her holistic and pragmatic methods will enable you to operate as a true innovator and change-maker.
Crowdfund Your Best Friend and Do Good for the World
Van Bo Le-Mentzel is known by most people for his Hartz IV Möbel project, where he teaches people to tap into their own creativity and resourcefulness to build low-cost yet amazing furniture. Nowadays a world known community catalyst and most progressive university professor, Van Bo will introduce you to his latest project - Hartz V. This is a fantastic opportunity to crowdfund yourself or your best friend to do good for the world.
The Secrets of Happy Teams
Tom Laterveer specialises in creating “Cultures of Happiness“: accompanying individuals, businesses and teams on their journeys towards greater joy and successful. Tom will deliver a workshop that will teach you how to build a work environment based on connection, zest and compassion.
Refresh & Reboot Meditation Session
Edward Mark Vero is a master of meditation whose services are sought after within Berlin's vibrant tech and creative scenes. He cultivates a practical, stripped back understanding of meditation; pared down to the ancient practice's logical, relevant and honest roots. Take a workshop and you’ll be more than ready to make an impression: clear headed and calmly confident.
Woodworking Workshop
Lluis Mateu is a woodworking guru with more than 25 years of experience. Over the years he has built everything from wooden houses and furniture to sets for theatre and cinema productions. In this hands-on workshop you'll learn some tricks of the trade and walk out with your very own Ulmer Hocker!
Grid - Interior String Art
Us Berlin is a collaborative creative agency and part of the betahaus community. The Interior String Art workshop invites you to explore how simple design methods, using structured geometric patterns, can challenge and reimagine a physical space.
Papercut Workshop
Hosted by Berlin creative agency Battalion and presented by artist and illustrator Stephanie Scholz, this workshop will allow you to experiment freely with shape and colour. Materials will be provided.
The Human Factor in IoT - Building Meaningful Prototypes with Design Thinking
Led by Julia Kolm and Cecilia Hilmer from innovation agency Innoki, this workshop gives you a chance to learn about methods used in the design thinking process and take part in a so-called fast forward or design sprint lasting two hours. Space is limited so be early!
Make Your Own Lampshade
Designers Ulrich Kohl and Maria Lobisch from MYO will introduce you to the joys of paper folding and teach you how to manipulate shape, colour and size to create your own Lampshade Kronsmoor. All materials will be supplied.
We won´t stop there and to get your creative juices flowing even more, there will also be workshops in 3D Printing, Soldering and Screen Printing as well as a Design Hackathon. We're looking forward to seeing you all there! So come celebrate with us! www.peopleinbeta.com
Click here for more events coming up in the 'haus!