Alright, it seems like Berlin is becoming Europe's Startup City Number One and we have to contribute to this development. We thought the best way to do it from our side is a One-Day-Festival in October and it should not only be about Startups but also about Coworking and DIY-Culture. We would be pleased for everyone who'd like to join us. Thanks to 6wunderkinder's Blogpost yesterday which finally triggered us to take action on our blog as well.
When you open your eyes and look around, you can see an amazing amount of people that are sharing the same entrepreneurial spirit crossed with collaboration, openness and a community orientated mindset. People seem to have found a nice way to collaborate and support each other throughout working in the same coworking space, collectives or startup meet-ups and spaces all over the city. They are sharing experience and know-how and are building the most innovative projects with the support of each other. And this is exactly what drives even more innovation,ideas and also money to Berlin. We want to cover this during a one-day People-in-Beta Festival on October the 1st at betahaus. We have the following in mind:
You also want to do a workshop, a lecture or be a sponsor? You want to tell people about your idea or show them how much fun DIY can be? You want to experience betahaus and meet other coworkers?
Just contact eva@betahaus.de! We are open for new ideas and we would love to have you on board too!
Already with us are (still counting and no special order):
Jovoto, Gidsy, The Third Wave, Coffee Circle, Ezeep, Orderbird, Doonited, Mailmops, This is like, 6Wunderkinder, Amen, Readmill, doonited, yourpainting, unhosted, validero, anleiter, we&co, startnext, i am holiday, flat.st
Support is coming from (also still counting):
You Is Now
Over and Out!
Check out our calendar for more upcoming events!