about betahaus
Elizaveta Bersegova
July 6, 2015

People in Beta festival | News!

The People in Beta festival is getting closer, we have some news for you! Get ready for it, the full festival program will be mind-blowing! To save you from any injuries, we’re dosing you the first sneak peaks!

The big day of August 29th starts with big hearty beta breakfast: coffee, tea, delicious sandwiches and some fruit to get you going. When you finish your croissant, there'll be things to do throughout the whole house! Pick and mix like you're in a candy store: whatever suits you best, whatever you fancy the most. Christoph Fahle (betahaus| Berlin) will be there to tell you about the 5 fails you have to make before you make it. Ansgar Oberholz (St. Oberholz) will tell you everything you haven’t heard about the information revolution yet. Christoph Raethke (Berlin Startup Academy) will roll out his well-known G Force workshop to honestly explain you how to "Put your idea under pressure" before others do it. Marcus Krautkrämer (Mediawox) will give a workshop on the must-know of the modern age - Search Engine Optimisation - and tell you how to get the traffic to that website you’ve been working on for so long. Focusing on good life, Edward Mark Vero (Meditation Minimalism) will show you some meditation practices to make sure you don't come home with a burnout a day before your launch.

A DIY heaven will unfold in front of your eyes, and of course there'll be hackathons, round tables and discussion groups: all the hands-on stuff that can provide solutions to your problems and boost your creative thinking.

BETAPITCH will be throwing an Investors Day on the 4th floor - this one is very different from the ones you've been to before. There'll be reversed investors pitches, pitching in cars, panel discussions on hot topics and group sessions to get you connected. In the evening BETAPITCH | global will introduce you to the hottest international startup finalists and you’ll be drawn into the show. In our outdoor area you’ll find a market with new gadgets and the most mind-blowing products and prototypes of today. There will be also a BBQ, and of course: we'll be dancing until the sun comes up.

Got intrigued? Last early bird tickets are still available HERE.

And, of course, don´t forget to join our FB event to stay updated!