about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
May 31, 2012

Office hour: Programming&coding!

d:evolute is a software web agency, specialized on Ruby on Rails development. They develop business applications: custom, test-driven and scalable web applications, online social media solutions and whitelabel solutions for startups. d:evolute exists since 2011 and has 10 developers with about 10 years of experience. They are holding office hour’s “code & programming” every second Wednesday at betahaus.

We proudly present our new office hour! The good folks from d:evolute offer to help you out with all the questions you ever had about coding. From 'How do I even talk to developers if I dont understand what they do?' to 'What do you think about my new webapplication? Beautiful, right?' Every second wednesday at betahaus you will get the answers..

To introduce them, their work and mission to you we got them to answer a couple of questions for us. Read the full interview after the jump.

What is your aim with »code and programming«?

Our initiative is having the workshop here at the betahaus, where the founders can learn programming code by themselves, with the technologies they use and the standards we have. We want to enhance the relationships between developers and founders and to collaborate with the startups. We want to help them with their ideas and to improve the clients business model from a more technical perspective.

You are code experts. What are the issues that you want to help with, and who are your clients?

Our clients are classical enterprises, startups and communication agencies. Our developers are responsible for the collaboration between the clients, getting the concept and realizing it. We help to build professional web applications with focus on Ruby on Rails and Sinatra. We also do Drupal and Frontend development. We work a lot for startups and help them with the problems they usually have: how to recruit people, if they need to hire an agency or external freelancers. We try build up the team and give them advice if they will be able to exist for the next few years.

Why did you decide for betahaus and to help people here?

We like the atmosphere here in the betahaus. We have already talked with Christoph (co-founder) before , we know them for a while. In betahaus there are a lot of people with great ideas and we also like development with a mixture of international people. Help them exchange the experiences. So we are looking forward to any kind of feedback and if someone has specialized technical questions we also can help you. If you are interested or need help: we are here in betahaus every second wednesday. It is good for us to know who is coming. We recommend you to write us first. Than we know exactly who is the right person to help you.