about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
June 28, 2012

News: We Are Up to Something...

We have been a bit silent about betapitch the last two months... we were busy planning. Actually we still are, but we are ready to confirm some stuff that we already mentioned in April: BETAPITCH is growing. Big time!

Over the next twelve months we are planning six local pitches in Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne, Vienna, Sofia in Barcelona.They will all go according to protocol, the way y'all know it: The winner gets a team at the local (awesome!) Coworking space plus a bootstrappackage to help the winner get started. Except: this time the winners will also get to take part in betapitch | global! In June 2013 first and second place from all the local pitches will compete against each other, for a six-month customized tour through the coworking spaces of their dreams, a package and other excellent extras.

So: Its time to get excited, get your team together, think hard and come up with awesome ideas. Its still early enough to become the global betahaus startup superstar..

Check the General & Upcoming section for more announcements and upcoming events in the 'haus!