about betahaus
Katka Nagyová
July 1, 2015

New residents and Deutsche Bahn pitch day

New startup blood is coming to the house! Starting on the 1st of July, 4 teams of the DB Accelerator will call betahaus home for 3 months.

Deutsche Bahn held it’s very first Pitch for their new accelerator in betahaus on 23rd of June. The first batch is just starting at betahaus | berlin today. About 20 people can call themselves new betahaus | members. Our betahaus community is looking forward to the new faces. And you know what? Stay tuned to apply for the 2nd batch starting in autumn this year. Check infra4null to stay up to date.

The fields DB was looking for has mostly been sensor technology, machine to machine communication, analytics and smart shopping.

What's it all about?

DB opens it’s doors to innovation: For weeks DB has been on the lookout for applying startups. What they get is simple but sexy! Giving 25k with no strings attached, 3 months of coworking space in betahaus, mentoring and DB's giant network. Mainly, DB is able to provide the startups massive data to work with. 111 startups applied to be a part oft he DB Infrastructure 4.0 accelerator.

Last Tuesday, 11 pre-selected startups pitched their awesome ideas to the jury giving them some tough times.

Those were Nikolaus Röttger (Chief Editor Wired),  Mathias Ockenfels (Investment Associate at Point Nine Capital), Christoph Fahle (Co-Founder of betahaus | berlin), Dr. Volker Kefer (Member of the Management Board DB AG, Infrastructure and Services), Ute Möbus (CFO DB Station&Service AG), Klaus Müller (CTO Infrastructure DB AG), Manfred Leger (Managing Director DB Projekt Stuttgart-Ulm GmbH) and Jens Bergmann (Managing Director DB ProjektBau GmbH). The questions of the jury were accompanied by the feedback of the audience delivered through the screen.

So who are the 4 lucky winners that are going to sky-rocket their startup from betahaus?

INabE is on the run to innovate indoor navigation by using beacons. Thanks to INabE you will be able to navigate on the train stations through augmented reality.

KONUX builds precise, robust and intelligent optoelectronic sensor systems. Their vision: Intelligent infrastructure carrxing out maintenance on demand, exactly when it fits your schedule.

Swocket is making ‘smart home’ easy to use and affordable. It lets users enjoy the benefits of a smart home without having to buy everything new. Angelo Wyszengrad showed us how you can use swocket to turn on and off a light by clicking your watch. We know the good stuff - swocket is an alumni of our BETAPITCH | Berlin.

Senvisys develops an innovative railway detection system in order to improve security of railway systems.

What are these winners getting?

The essentials for the selected startups are 25k for zero equity, mentoring and 3 months of free coworking space at betahaus. The major advantage of DB Infrastructure 4.0 Accelerator? Access to the massive data system of DB, which actually means access to the world of railways. Startups also get integrated in the betahaus community and every team gets an additional person to help them with everything they need.

Now the selected teams just arrive in betahaus. Let’s make it the best time they ever had!

If you'd like to get connected or just have a feedback, drop us a line!

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