about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
August 20, 2013

Nasa's Doing it and You Can Too!

3D Printing is going to space, to hospitals, and it's already at betahaus…

Have you ever thought about the uses of 3D printing? Of course you have, it's a super cool technology. But we mean REALLY thought about it—what if you could print your own shoes? Or a working bicycle? How about printing a fully functioning human kidney? Modern 3D printing is still relatively young, yet it's already involved in plans for thousands of amazing uses, and thanks to our collaboration with the biggest name in home 3D printing: MakerBot, you can try it all out right here at betahaus! (Well maybe not the kidney one…)

We have two ultra swish MakerBot Replicator 2 3D printers right at the first floor reception area, ready and waiting for designers, architects or anyone with a cool idea to use! Think product prototypes, architectural models, spare parts, or perhaps you just want a little figurine of yourself to show off on your desk.

If you've been to our 3D printing workshop or course, you can purchase time to put this awesome tech to use. Don't forget, betahaus members get super cheap rates, starting from €15,- per hour. Plus we have some pretty amazing deals for anyone interested in getting their very own 3D printer!

Can't wait to start? Shoot an email to tom@betahaus.de or check with the reception desk for all the details.

More upcoming events and announcements you can find in our beta calendar!