It was the 2nd DNX - Digital Nomad Conference taking place on October 3-4 in the betahaus | cafe.
And what do the digital nomads talk about when they gather at one place? Here are impressions of Marcus & Feli:
'The world has changed a lot. These days it is easier than ever to sustainable travel the world while making money online. A growing number of "digital nomads" are now calling the road their home, living this lifestyle. And interest in the digital nomad lifestyle is growing by leaps and bounds.
Over 350 attendees finished the weekend inspired, motivated, and with notebooks full of hands-on tips and tricks to implement this lifestyle for themselves.
The first day of the DNX we had over 100 attendees participating in sold-out workshops at betahaus. It started with a breakfast brought by Elance-Odesk, followed by 8 different workshops on topics such as: Challenge Yourself, Find Your Passion, Online Marketing Basics, From Self-Employment to Solopreneurship, How to Launch a Product, From Idea to Business Model, Selfmarketing, and Setting Up Your Business.
In the evening there was a little party which provided plenty of time for attendees to connect and to do some organized speed-networking.
Here are some impressions of the betahaus workshop day:
The second, main day offered a solid mix of speakers from inspirational stories to business "how-to's" and travel tips.'
This was all in German, but don't worry! Here are some GOOD NEWS: Next year there will be an international English-speaking DNX Event in Berlin as well: DNX Global
Sign up on the website to be the first one informed about the date and special deals.
Here comes the chance for your contribution, fellow nomads: What would be an important feature of the app for you? Fill in the contact form on the website or send a mail to info@digitalnomadradar.com.
See you out there!
Don’t forget to check out our calendar for more events coming up.