about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
July 23, 2012

Member of the Week: Sarah Kennedy

Sarah Kennedy is a designer for Skew studio, London. Skew is a multi disciplinary studio which works taking entertainment brands from Screen to Shelf. Skew is a diverse team of designers and work across Textiles, Fashion, Packaging, Branding and Web Design working for clients including the BBC, Nickelodeon and Disney. They have clients all over the world and they are really interested to work for more clients here in Germany. Sarah is our regular guest at betabreakfast, she has been a member of betahaus since May.

What inspired you to start working as a graphic designer?

I work as a designer for Skew. The great thing about Skew is you get to work across such a wide range of different projects and different design fields. I may work on a Web project one day and a Textile project the next. This is a really great chance to look at projects from different angles and offer something new and exciting. I work with the team in London remotely and we Skype each other to share inspiration and ideas.

What made you decide to move to Berlin ?

I’m from the North of England. I worked in London for 4 years after university. During my studies I came to Berlin for 3 months for an internship at c.neeon and I always wanted to come back. After 4 years in London I wanted a change and Berlin seemed to be the perfect choice.

How would you compare the work environment here for designers to that in London?

Berlin has a much more relaxed atmosphere than London. Skew Studio is based in London’s East End, near Shoreditch. The studio has a real creative energy and buzz about it which is similar to the betahaus. All the designers get together once a week to discuss the projects we are working on and where in a project we are up to, kind of like a betabreakfast.

How do you like the atmosphere at betahaus? What do you like about betahaus, and what do you feel could be improved?

The betahaus has been a great place to come and work in Berlin. I could start working as soon as I got to Berlin and I have met so many interesting people since I got here. Betabreakfast is my favourite time of the week, I feel inspired, full of coffee and ready to start a busy day!

You are working with Skew Studio in London, which  focus on the entertainment industry. How did you get involved with the Skew Studio? 

I did an internship at Skew when I finished University. After that I worked at Skew as a freelancer for a year and then went full time.

What kind of advice would you give to young designers looking to become successful these days?

Get involved with as many different projects as possible while studying and after University. Internships are a great way to meet people and find out what you really want to do.

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