about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
September 24, 2012

Member of the Week: Jacques-André Dupont

Jacques-André Dupont is a french Filmmaker and VJ, who is shooting and directing commissioned works for NGO´s, Start-Ups and communication agencies as well as music videos, light installations and documentaries. He moved to Berlin 2 years ago and is now working as a freelancer here at betahaus.

Interviewed by: Lisa Hillers

How did you first get into motion design?

It began when I did my studies in post-production for movies. I was looking for references for special effects and when looking for this material on the internet, I came across more graphic-based media. I was working on some 3D projects too and I became very interested in more graphic design elements. I was always interested in using technical knowledge and special effects together, and combining it with the video. It allows you to help the video by somewhat augmenting the reality. I’m more into video than pure graphic design, animation or illustration - I come from a video background. I try to mix all of these elements together to develop my unique visual style.

Was there anyone that really influenced you when starting out?

The two biggest influences on my work are both related to music. Firstly, I was very inspired by the music videos of Chris Cunningham and his work with Warp Records. I was also a big fan of videos from Coldcut on the Ninja Tune label. They were both doing crazy things with video and it was the first time I felt like you could be a video DJ. At that point I realized how cool it could be to mix music and video together.

What are your biggest challenges working as a freelancer?

Well after my studies and 6 months of internships in Paris, I worked on motion design for vente-privee.com, an e-commerce website. We were a huge team of motion designers, some more into graphic design, others more into special effects. It was a great mix of people and I really learned a lot from my 2 years there. After this job, I came to Berlin and began my first experience as a freelancer. It was both a change of country and a change of working style. Setting up in Berlin was a big challenge because of the language and all of the administrative work you have to get through. Now that is behind me and my current challenge is getting enough paid work.

How did you come across betahaus?

I heard people mention betahaus on many occasions but I didn’t really know what it was at the time. Later I read an article about co-working spaces and since I was looking for somewhere to work, decided to come and check it out. I’ve been here since and I’m very happy so far.

Does co-working influence your work?

I think it definitely helps. Co-working allows me to get to know people that I probably wouldn’t have met in other circumstances. Getting in touch with designers and creative people gives me more inspiration to try different things.

What kind of equipment do you most like to use in your work?

If we are talking about cameras, then I would always prefer the 5D. It is a Canon camera that is not too expensive and allows you to do very high quality, professional videos. However my work is not limited to filming, I am also doing concept research, direction, filming and postproduction.

What kinds of projects/companies have you been working with recently?

My work can be divided into 2 parts. First there is the personal work and the more artistic work that I’m not able to live from but allows for more creativity. Then there is the commercial work where I perform a variety of roles for a wide range of companies. I worked with Arte, doing camera and direction and recently I have been working for an NGO based in Berlin called Tactical Tech. I have also worked for websites based on design, e-commerce and companies like mytaxi and car2go.

What projects are you interested in working on in future?

I really enjoyed working with the companies that I mentioned before. The work was as fun as it was varied and I had the opportunity to work on a range of tasks. At the moment I’m looking for new projects , I am always happy to help Start-Ups create cool videos to present both objects and services. I am also collaborating with Pedro Pinedo for the people in beta- festival afterparty.

Another upcoming project I am really excited about, is doing light and installation- workshops for young people at a high-school in Britz.

Thank you very much for this Interview and good luck with all your future projects!

See the works of Jacques-Andre Dupont

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