What inspired you to start working as a consultant and innovation speaker at Health 2.0 in Europe? How did you get involved in the field?
You can’t always plan life like a German career engineer. I got fired, I had the chance to write a PhD at the Humboldt University. I worked before in the healthcare industry and then in digital strategy agencies and thus knowing these two worlds then I somehow felt that something happens in the field of healthcare within the digital world (what happens if 40 million German healthcare surfers slowly start to use social media and crowdsourcing and coworking platforms?). As I did my first online survey with thousands of healthcare surfers the international healthcare congress crowds grabbed the results out of my hands like warm croissants. That was the start of my research and consulting activities. How I got on the stage of an internantional healthcare congress? Guys, be bold, direct, open.
You are the founder of healthcare42.com. What kind of services healthcare42.com provides? Who are your clients?
Simply said I help the traditional healthcare system and market stakeholders (the big health industry sort of) to understand and react the evolving digital healthcare ecosystem, where doctors and patients help, exchange and collaborate on independent so called health 2.0 platforms and forums. Reaction here does not mean new forms of persuasive advertising but developing so call health-outcome focused digital services, for example a patient- and chronic-centric asthma app.
Your portfolio shows us, you have participated in many projects. Out of all those, which would you consider to be your most important challenge?
Honestly speaking you rather empty the Mediterranean sea with you mouth much easier than changing the mindset of a 40.000 people corporate tanker...
For how long have you been based at betahaus? What do you think of this kind of working environment, and what do you like about it?
I started working in betahaus at around late 2009. For young starters from all kinds of areas it is one of the greatest chances to connect, learn and open ones often reduced view of ones chances and possibilities.
Do you have any plans or ideas for the future?
The so called health 2.0 segment is just to evolve within Europe so I stay there as an innovation and strategy consultant but slowly have the feeling to look for an own patient-centric service product possibly maybe together with a big healthcare provider, because in this industry you still need the connection to them.
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