about betahaus
Iva Jankovic
January 23, 2015

Meet the persona behind the Exhibition @ betahaus Cafe

Here meet the wonderfully talented photography artist Paola Lesina. Next time you pass by or sit in our Cafe, take moment and indulge in her shots!

What do you do and how would you label yourself as an artist?

Photography came to me very naturally. Basically I love to look around, I try to live close to real people and real things, and photography always reminds me about that. I would love to be labelled as the artist that shares experiences, having the chance to talk about it and always meeting good people.

Where are you based?

I’m living in between Berlin and Torino.

Where can we find you on the web and how would you describe your style?

You can find me at either lou-echo.tumblr.com/  or cargocollective.com/Paola-Lesina.

My style is Cold, true with some groove.

How has your style changed over time?

I wouldn’t say it has changed, I’d rather say that you can see the rise in confidence in myself and work. Reason why the social aspect is something increasingly present in my projects.. I started with analogic camera and I’m still in love with that, it helps me giving these moments more though, more value.

What is your favourite piece of work to date?

I’m running a project in the country side of Italy regarding "the sense of not belonging”, it is really metaphoric and figurative.

What are you other passions besides Photography?

Since I was a child I used to play around cutting and mixing images or clothes. I actually still do it as side project under the name of Lou Echo, where I work with the technique of collage. It is really exciting and rousing, you get to discover something new about yourself every time.

What project would you say has impacted you the most?

Over the last few years, I spent a lot of time walking by myself and wondering about perception and beauty. I started focusing on what was around me, and I found everything I needed. My first project was about the shapes and the colours of the leaves, the sweetness and the pleasure of the nature still wins over us.

Final question... If you could have a superpower what would it be and why?

This might sound a bit weird but I'd love being able to heal people. Being healthy and well is a treasure.

Written by Chante,


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