about betahaus
Iva Jankovic
July 17, 2015

Meet Elizabeth Press

Elizabeth Press is the co-founder of D3M Labs and an expert in the field of Decision Management. She is holding a workshop at Betahaus to pass on some of the knowledge she’s gained through a highly accomplished career. She built up and managed business intelligence, predictive analytics and customer lifetime value functions in Germany and globally for Dell. Before working at Dell, she worked in management consulting and comes with a background in both quantitative finance and buyer & seller-side due diligence. We decided to pick the brain of this impressive individual and find out more about her distinctive approach to data and analytics.

What’s your background and how did it lead to a career in Decision Management?

The inspiration for D3M Labs came from one common theme I saw across organizations, functions and individuals: The challenge individuals and organizations have connecting their own knowledge and information with their actions.

My background is a blend of strategy, finance and predictive analytics. I have worked on projects, managed teams and implemented analytics initiatives in marketing, finance and operations. I have worked with decision makers ranging from solopreneurs to blue chip executives.

Decision management is a logical progression for me, because it bridges the gap between strategy and analytics. The future of decision management is the hub of how organizations – governmental, businesses and large groups of citizens - function.

Could you explain some of the benefits to your approach?

My approach is very customer-centric. I focus on how the customer makes his or her decisions. We should build our businesses around our strengths. Simplicity and usability are my ultimate goals. Clarity and ease of implementation for a solopreneur, an entrepreneurial team, small business owner or intrapreneur are the cornerstones of my methodology.

Knowing where you are headed makes it easier to prioritize and structure your tasks so you have the space and tools to open your mind, see the possibilities and ask the right questions. In the end, simplicity and understanding how to learn leads to more fulfillment, attaining goals and making more money.

How does the interplay between general analytics and decision management work?

The truth is that analytics are often decoupled from decisions. Analytics and data are often used to find facts and give background, but fail to link to the actual decisions. Decision management provides that missing link.

Individuals can use these tools for improved personal effectiveness. Teams and organizations can use these tools for attaining goals successfully, better collaboration, learning, greater agility, along with many other advantages.

You’re running a workshop on Data Driven Decision Management with Betahaus, what made you decide that?

Betahaus is a center of the Berlin tech and entrepreneurial scene – but not only. It is a professionally run establishment that attracts a wide range of creative and engaged individuals from all over the world.

Entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs are special people. They work hard to materialize their ideas. Betahaus has the special sauce for gathering amazing individuals and getting them to network, collaborate and do business. I wanted to tap into the energy in this community and give the people here tools to do better business.

What could someone expect to leave the workshop with?

Improved ability to manage themselves and the organizations they lead by means of greater self-knowledge and better decision making. We all see the world through a prism of gut feeling and past experience. This clouded lens exposes us to tremendous risks when making decisions. My course will give people tools to decide more objectively and thus more accurately.

Participants will learn frameworks they can immediately use to craft winning strategies based on their personal strengths and the strengths of their organizations.

We will end with an overview of data monetization strategies so that participants will leave with ideas they can use the next day to start making more money.

Where do you think the future of decision management is heading for you?

Decision management is a highly dynamic field that will transform the way businesses, organizations and individuals perceive the world and act. D3M Labs is dedicated to distilling decision science into pedagogical and implementable tools for emerging, small and medium businesses. We are currently partnering with academics and thought leaders in other fields – design thinking, innovation and finance for example – to improve decision management across a variety of disciplines and offer our clients cross-functional decision management expertise. As decision management evolves, so will our services.

We were born global with roots in Berlin and the New York metropolitan area. We strive to strengthen our bonds within our communities, yet also have a global reach. Stay tuned for more developments.

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