about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
July 19, 2013

Maker Weekend #4 is on Its Way!

While working on the 4th edition of MAKER WEEKEND we realised that we finally have our personal goal defined!

WE WANT TO introduce people to the latest design, DIY and tech inventions and empower cross disciplinary implementation of this knowledge.

Here we go: MAKER WEEKEND #4! That's right—MAKER WEEKENDS were such an inspiration that we're back for more from the 10th to 11th of August. From now on, rather than a slow trickle of DIY workshops over the weeks, we will have an almighty explosion of them over an entire weekend!

We've gathered over twenty top industry professionals, tech wizards and betahaus creatives to put together what we reckon is a pretty impressive line-up of DIY, hands-on workshops. We've got old favourites and new adventures, in workshops covering anything from a couple of hours to the majority of both days; from SWIRLY SOAP to FILM MAKING, PATTERN CUTTING to 3D PRINTING, there truly is something for everyone.

Don't forget, right in the middle of our non-stop schedule there will be our ever-popular EXPERIMENTATION PARTY, where you can have a beer, check out some awesome projects and even work on your own ones in a relaxed and creative atmosphere.

Get creative, have fun, and pick up some awesome new skills along the way!

Check out the entire line-up.

More events like this you can find here!