about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
August 8, 2013

Maker Weekend_!_

All right, things were promised, things will happen and things will happen really soon !

Just couple of days to go until the precious Weekend of Makers and for Makers launches the beat.

Schedules were up weeks ago, so no need to repeat ourselves, we are here for an update. First of all, good news regarding the Experimentation Party. Lots of crazy things will meet you up there. Here are just some of them to get you inspired:

- music will be playing out of suitcase. and thats not a random installation, thats a project of creating loud transportable parties

- in the darkness BomblR will present digital graffiti (hacked from unexpected material)

- DIY Ice Cream

- Art installation brought in by PLATOON Kunsthalle 

- makers area with live piano in it


Let´s leave the list opened to keep some secrets. ;) To enter the experimentation party for free you gotta register online. Here is the link: https://www.eventbrite.de/event/7666206831?ref=ebtnhttps://www.eventbrite.de/event/7666206831?ref=ebtn

Secondly, our Product Design Regis Lamberthe, couldn't join this exact weekend but will be happy to welcome you on his workshops on the 17th of August. Here they go:

Papier maché lamps & this is concrete.

And here.. I'll just give a tiny part of the list of thing you'll miss out on if you spend one more weekend on the lake :p

Pattern Cutting

Eat Design!

Leather Jewelry

Melt a Bag

3D Printing


 Basic Crochet

HIgh FIve & See you soon!



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