about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
November 6, 2012

Maker Party 9th November

It is time for being creative, learning new things and having a crazy party at the same night. It`s Un-combinable? Oh, no, it so isn`t!

Hi there!

Where and when? It all starts at the betahaus| Berlin at 7 p.m. 9th November. The whole ground floor will be turning into a big MAKERSPACE inspired by

Open Design City & designers from Build or Buy project.

What and how?

We have created the concept of a real DIY party - the MAKER PARTY. The plan is clear – we start at 7 pm with a whole row of awesome workshops. Lead by our makers & designers you will create the whole lay out of the party. Yes, YOU will MAKE the party, we will help. J We will show you how to make interior decorations, interactive videos, costumes, installations, even a stage for the DJ’s who will take the night over at 11 p.m.

..and at 11 p.m.  The whole space will transform into a party. Tape lines launched by TAPE OVER project will run all over the walls, chased by the lights of the video artist Jacques-André Duppont and we will dance to the beats of the DJ sets that will go on until an open ending.

What to bring with you?

  • knitted stuff, like old sweaters or unfinished scarfs or beanies, you once started to knit – it will become a valuable material for Guerilla Knitting
  • all kinds of materials which may help you to create a party costume with the help of our facilitators.. remember, the topic is SPACE in every expression you could imagine
  •  cool, fun things which you can put on while being a star of stop-motion video
  •  white clothes out of natural materials – there may be a chance to screen print on them ;)

Which exact happenings?

  •  involve into Guerilla Knitting happening, covering the whole beta;
  •  create awesome party look from scratch, including DIY jewelry, make up, costume and body paint;
  •  compose a melted installation (you will get to know what it is J );
  •  create a stop motion video;
  •  paint on a canvas double the size of your body (dimensions are true even if you are 2 meters tall);
  •  see what 3D printing is all about;
  • screen print on various surfaces;
  •  make a photo session in a photo boot;
  •   create card board lamps;….

And much more. From today on exact descriptions of happening will start showing up in our FB even.. so if you are curious, join in & follow.

And see you on Friday – we guarantee a fun flight!

Check out our calendar for upcoming events.