about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
September 22, 2010

Looking back at the coworking week and forward to the betaptich

Silke Super from Motor FM Radio kept announcing it as the  “international coworking week” and we didn’t object because the day will come!

It all started  nice and quiet with a nightly handicraft work session. Camille, French philosopher in residence at the ODC coordinated the building of a shared library next to the elevator. The brain of the Founders Institute spoke very convincing to more than 100 motivated young startup entrepreneurs and promised a first-rate mentoring for the best ones.

Then we gathered Lisbon’s City hall adviser,  Amsterdam’s Waag Society director, Berlin's Creative Metropoles project manager, the Create Berlin Nework manager, the Fablab Aachen and many amateurs and freaks in a cozy atmosphere to talk about why every creative city needs a fablab. Inventedhere helped highlighting the necessity of a proper FabLab in every neighborhood as they designed  during a 3 hours workshop astonishing solutions for ideal coworking- furniture - who still need to be built!

The most non-philosophical conclusion of the week was that all coworkingspaces and FabLabs around the world need to play similar music and have easy going and friendly people attending in order to keep the open-house spirit.  So open workshops and coworkingspaces around the world: reunite and set up an own radio channel!

Now, we are looking forward to next week’s betapitch- Finally betahaus is getting more and more a business incubator- let’s see how we deal with that! The  best 10 startup ideas have already beed elected. On the 4th of October the future entrepreneurs will dress up and try to convince the jury.

It also appears that we will be one of 100 locations worldwide showing the best 10 posters of the poster4tomorrow contest. The exhibition is dedicated to the world day against the death-penalty.

It seems like next month will be the 10th best month of the year 2010.

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