For the first time in betahaus-history we're introducing a summer residency to kick off your career in Berlin, with an instant connection to the professional network and startup community you always wished for. All you have to do is come to Berlin and we will take care of the rest.
We know the struggle of arriving in Berlin and not knowing where to start. Many of us in the betahaus-team are expats ourselves and we're more than happy to help you find your way. We'll be here to guide you and answer all your questions. If you're still lost and need advice in a specific field, we also offer a series of office hours where experts will help you with your invoicing, give information on how to get funding or even solve some language issues and many many more, just check out the program on our website.
By joining the betahaus summer residency you'll become a member, which means you'll have a desk to work and a lovely community to learn from. Join us at betabreakfast (every Thursday morning), betabeer (last Thursday of the month) or at one of the many events happeining in and around betahaus and meet the other coworkers and make some friends
You're in Berlin to learn something new? Yes, you can also do that here! Pick and choose from the many workshops and courses in our event calender. From techy to crafty there's something there for your every need.
If this has gotten you interested just drop us a line at education@betahaus.de or check out the the website for more information.
DO IT! You know you wanna...
Article written by Hana Hariri