about betahaus
Iva Jankovic
July 27, 2015

Intern for Accelerator WANTED!

Internship @ betahaus. We finally have an open internship position to announce. Strongly recommended for those who are up for meaningful tasks and a close look on how an accelerator program develops and is being run. Be a part of the Accelerator Team at betahaus and help start-ups to become the next soundcloud.

STARTING DATE: 01.08.2015

DURATION: 3 Months

IT IS THE RIGHT PLACE FOR YOU IF you are passionate about start-ups, culture, makers and doers. You are willing to work in a young inspiring team, take responsibility for your own tasks and projects and have a freedom to launch them.

Your duties will include:

  • Promotion of  the Accelerator Program Open on various social networks and online platforms
  • Working on Information architecture and online presentation of our content
  • Creatingmarketing campaigns
  • Managing and Scheduling events
  • Co-creating events, e.g. Demo Day,  People in beta Festival and many more.
  • Being interactive with start-ups from all over the globe

If you would like to apply:

Please, send to jan@betahaus.de


  • CV
  • Tell us why you are passionate about supporting start-ups to grow in a 400 words motivation letter.

Looking forward to your applications, and see you soon in betahaus!

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