about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
August 16, 2013

Good News for Makers!

Now this is a big one! You’ve seen our awesome 3D printers at the betahaus reception area. Kids should know tomatoes don´t grow in the store; you should know where the latest technology comes from. ;)

For a couple of months now, we have been working in close cooperation with HAFNER'S BÜRO. These guys are neither more nor less than the official representative of MakerBot (the inventors of Replicators) in Europe. Replicator 2 (2 of which we have at the reception) is a feasible breakthrough in the field of desktop rapid prototyping. In simple words: it´s the best machine ever made for 3D printing objects directly on your desk.

So when getting to know each other we realized that it makes perfect sense to collaborate. HAFNER'S BÜRO MDCEE is bringing new technology to the universe of makers, while we work hard on teaching people how to handle it right!

So first of all, HAFNER'S BÜRO provided the awesome machines that you see printing at the reception and which assist all the courses and workshops we hold. Secondly, your course holders got a direct tutoring from HAFNER'S team introducing us to all the sweet tricks you should know to make your print truly great.

Thirdly, and certainly not least, we've got some goodies for you, Makers!

More upcoming events and announcements you can find in our beta calendar!

Maker Insight

If you decide within 30 days of finishing the 3D Printing Course that your life simply isn’t complete without a MakerBot Replicator 2, then you can claim €110,- back when you purchase a 3D printer of your very own. (Each graduate of 3D Printing Course @ betahaus gets one!)

Exciting, we know! If you have any further questions left, just shoot an email to elizaveta@betahaus.de

And have a great day, you there!

