The People in Beta festival will kick off with a massive betabreakfast. Fortify yourself for a full day of festival goodness with coffee and Brötchen while the three Awesome Foundation Award finalists pitch for the final prize of 1000 Euro, no strings attached! Let the “awesomest” win!
Dr. Prateep Beed will introduce you to the fascinating interaction between our brain and design.
Edward Mark Vero is a master of meditation whose services are sought after within Berlin’s vibrant tech and creative scenes and will be giving a very special workshop.
Get back to nature with Lluis Mateu and turn wood into something that is not only beautiful but also functional.
Take Tom Laterveer's “Cultures of Happiness“ workshop and learn how to build a work environment based on connection, zest and compassion.
Bragi created Dash - the world’s first smart wireless biosensing headphones and the most successful crowdfunding project in Europe. Head of Design Arne Loermann will also be there to tell you how to raise 3M on your crowdfunding campaign.
Meet Van Bo Le-Mentzel and he'll tell you everything there is to know about crowdfunding yourself or your best friend to do good for the world.
We are also very lucky to have Jörn Hendrik Ast join us at the festival. Jörn is the founder of ffluid, a consulting company for social recruiting and innovations management. You will find out how this massive setup helps 100+ people to network at once, build connections and find whomever you need.
And so much more, so check out our full program here: www.peopleinbeta.com See you there!
Make sure you don’t miss other upcoming events in the 'haus! Click here!