about betahaus
Alice Nell
October 18, 2013

For next designers

Hi dear all,

Upon requests from your side we have scheduled a new Product Design Intensive Course within betahaus| Education program. I admit we had a bit of doubts, as 3 months in a row led us to an idea that we may give this course a little break for a month or 2 and give a spot to new content. However, requests which we were getting through reception during last weeks forced us to admit that Product Design accepts no rest. Well, if so, than it certainly deserves a warm Welcome Letter and here it is.

To describe in a few words what the course is about - it is an intensive enabling session which introduces participants to all the aspects of design essential for working on your own projects. It is as if full bachelor shrinked to essential hands-on only, in the name of bringing an actual knowledge within just 4 weeks. Obviously, the course leaves open end opportunities for further personal research of defined materials and approuches. Yet, what is important - within the course you gain a clear understanding of diverse types of materials/ paradigms/ etc. , so you know for sure where to start the research and in which direction to move.

Intensive Product Design Course is a tool. And what you gonna use it for is the most interesting part. And it is certainly up to you only. Within the previous courses we had participants who wanted to learn the fundamentals of concept development to bring more sense into their creative projects. Architects, who wanted to gain knowledge in complementary, yet different field to enrich their professional approach. Agency people, keen on learning more about design in order to speak the same language with their project fellows. And simply people of all diverse professions, passionate about learning a new skill. We don´t yet have any idea what´s your perspective. But that´s exactly what we are passionate to know. In the end, that´s what we launched the whole betahaus| Education for  - to give people an opportunity to learn and do exactly what they want.

If you are interested in the course, feel welcome to join in, we still have few places left. Here it is online.

Sunny wishes from the back office. ;)



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