about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
June 26, 2013

Fly or Die - Support Our Startup (OFFTIME) in Crowdfunding!

How does the crowdfunding marathon feel like? Or is it rather a crowdfunding 100m? Check out the story of (OFFTIME), a startup in our residence.

These guys just went online with a crowdfunding campaign and you can support them now: http://offtime.co/startnext. Every little bit helps them to make their dream come true, get this thing out into the world and get it rolling!

What is ( OFFTIME )?

A young post-tech start-up located here at betahaus - you can visit them on the first floor, where they landed months ago with the hub:raum accelerator. With ( OFFTIME ) you can decide what matters to you, every moment. Keep distracting apps, calls, and texts away from you and focus on your work, a good talk with a friend or just peace of mind. ( OFFTIME ) will take care of everything else for you. This way you can be productive and relax, every single day.

And what Alex, one of the co-founder says about the crowdfunding? Read on!

Why Crowdfunding?

For us it’s a good test if our idea flies or should rather die! Of course we hope that our idea will take off and we get enough people backing it! But if not, we have to think about if this world really needs a product like we developed in the last weeks. We got loads of feedback in the last months and everybody seems to likes it -- but are people also willing to pay for it and can you build a sustainable business from it? That’s what we test with the crowdfunding campaign. Additionally, it is a great way to reach out and build up a community around us. People having the same need as we, seeing an opportunity in supporting us, will also get early and priority access to what we develop!

Up to now it was all our own time and money that we put at stake. Which is fine and we will also do it in future. However, we would like to balance our bank account again before we take the next steps. With 13.000 Euro we will be able to pay everything up to now, with 25.000 Euro we will have a buffer for the next three months, and with 40.000 Euro plus will be able to get going until end of the year and speed up a bit. We are also now at a stage where we could take money from investors, but being close to the community makes much more sense to us.

How to do Crowdfunding?

That’s a really good question. We've read quite a lot about it and talked to many people - but somehow, I think, we still have no idea. Guess the secret is to just do it! Do, fail, learn and then do it again... at least that is what we do now. And fun is important! We had loads of fun while making the video! We try to have more fun along the way! We are happy to share our insights with others from betahaus -- or give us a hand and learn with us along the way! Just contact me!

PS: Don’t get distracted: support (OFFTIME) now and go to http://offtime.co/startnext ! 

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