about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
November 22, 2011

Enable Session XIII - New Deals, Future Money

Enable Berlin is a place where people meet to solve challenges together. Enable Berlin designs processes to enhance collective creativity, and share the results as an open-source initiative. Enable Berlin actively supports local creativity and provides sound concepts for their clients.

Enable Berlin is a place where people meet to solve challenges together. Enable Berlin designs processes to enhance collective creativity, and share the results as an open-source initiative. Enable Berlin actively supports local creativity and provides sound concepts for their clients.

We would like to invite you to attend the next Enable Session XIII – New Deals, Future Money on December 1st, 7.30pm at betahaus, groundfloor at the Open Design City.

What is it all about? This is how Enable Berlin descripes it:

"As we are helplessly witnessing what may be the first steps towards the decline of our financial system, and along with it a complex set of morals and norms we hardly ever think – or dare – to question, next Enable Session will be doing just that.

We will be looking not at the system, but its medium. Money. It is symptomatic that most of this circulating in the world be virtual, being sold back before it’s even been paid for. The disconnection between citizens and their currency seems to be widening, as seems to prove every new anti-stock-market movement. Indignés, Wall Street occupiers, all of them are feeling confused and left aside by a financial system that ignores who it should be working for.

A few solutions already exist. Local and self-devaluating currencies have been introduced in various places of the world in the last 10 years. Microcredit has gained its place in the modern society. LETS allow citizens to exchange goods and services without using any monetary convention. Another interesting fact, internet banking will soon become the most popular payment system.

What do all those diverse, almost antinomic solutions lead to?

Participants to the next Enable Session will be challenged to see further than that, and to explore what other alternatives to money might be viable in the near future."

Here are some impressions from the Enable Session XI - Visions for Mobility


What is Enable Berlin? Have a look on their Website: www.enableberlin.org or meet them on facebook www.facebook.com/EnableBerlin

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