about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
December 10, 2012


Eisenhower is a task management solution based on the proven Eisenhower matrix.

What is Eisenhower and how did you come up with the idea?

Eisenhower is a task management solution based on the proven Eisenhower matrix, a time management principle by former US president Dwight D. Eisenhower.

The Eisenhower matrix helps you to prioritize both your business and personal tasks by urgency and importance, sorting out less urgent and important tasks which you should rather delegate or do not do at all. So in a way, this system helps people to figure out what they should be doing first, later and rather not themselves or ever at all.

We currently provide you with a suite of software applications and tools that enable you to focus and work on your most important tasks. To help you to prioritize and plan at anytime, EISENHOWER is currently available for iPhone, as a free web app and in the form of paper notepads you can order online.

Eisenhower is the first spin-off out of our mobile application factory Rheinfabrik, offering software development services while also serving as a playground for our own app ideas. My co-founder Tim and I started working on this project just after a time management training we had late last year—realizing that there was indeed no decent app available on the App Store that was incorporating the proven Eisenhower matrix task management principle.

Why did you decide to participate in the hub:raum program (which is taking place at betahaus)?

We have been applying to the no-equity hub:raum Accelerator through our participation at the HY Berlin startup competiton. The chance to get mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs like Jörg Rheinboldt, Niko Waesche and many, many others was a huge benefit we were striving for—aside from enjoying to co-work in the betahaus and meeting all kinds of interesting people from the startup scene right here in Berlin, far off from our home base Düsseldorf.

How does the coworking environment affect you?

In my opinion, all hub:raum participants have already started catching up bits and pieces here and there while very much learning from each other. For example out of spontaneous discussions around mobile app development and marketing we are now planning a recurring session on that topioc every week to dive deeper into all tips and tricks we could share between the startups.

What are the main challenges you faced so far?

Surely betahaus also includes a work environment that in itself grows and transforms every day, so within our first days some construction work on the first floor was still going on. But this had been completed after only a few days, now leaving us with a much quieter, productive working atmosphere. Christoph is now even working on getting us a fridge up here—I guess hereafter we are all pretty much settled and (if not already) super-happy with the joint efforts betahaus and hub:raum are putting into this place and program from day one and onwards.

What are your future goals?

We are planning to continue fine-tuning both our existing clients as well as building a solid foundation for making EISENHOWER available on the iPad and as a native Mac OS X application next year. Hereafter we might look into setting foot on the Android platform and in more desktop application markets. Aside from our core consumer business, we are currently working together with our first three corporate clients on rolling out EISENHOWER notepads as office supplies for their employees' benefits, accompanied by an introductory time management training for everyone interested.

Alessandro Vercesi took the interview.

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