How did you come up with the idea of dotdotdot.me?
Thomas Schinabeck, at that time a marketing manager at MTV and writing an PhD about the impact of digitalization on music industry, and me, at that time one of the four managing directors of Zentrale Intelligenz Agentur, were really interested in the full potential of digital reading – all those posibilities of reading together, sharing your thoughts, opinion and knowledge directly within a text and taking profit of the knowledge of your friends, your network, your social graph. We were kind of disappointed of the solutions for digital reading out there, so we started to think about the product, we would love to use. A solution for reading and working with all kinds of texts together, like ebooks, any text from the web, your RSS-feeds on any devise. Later Christian Beer, a great iOS developer and Christian Klingler, who is building amazing backend code since years joined us and together we founded the company.
How did the coworking environment at betahaus affect your work? And why did you decide to become a member of it?
I knew Christoph and Tonia (two of the six betahaus founders) from living in the same house before betahaus was founded. Working in an coworking environment was very familiar to me, as at Zentrale Intelligenz Agentur we were working for big clients without having a corporate office using digital solutions to collaborate and that always worked out best for us. So working in betahaus for some time, felt just right. I always liked the social part of coworking, meeting new people, sharing ideas, collaborating on projects.
What is the biggest challenge you find so far?
Building a great team is a challenge, every company has to face, I think. We’re four people now, and still looking for some great developers for JavaScript and a product-manager to fit to the team. Becoming funded was a challenge aswell, as it took a lot of time, which you will loose spending on developing your product. For us as a small team, the biggest challenge is to ship fast, deliver great code and design, and still get some hours of sleep
What are the future goals for the company?
Developing a great product which helps users to experience the full potential of digital reading and building a great platform of readers and authors. We're just started to be in private beta, still very early, but we start to send some invites out now. (If you're interested, please sign up at www.dotdotdot.me).
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