about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
November 14, 2012

Do Stuff - Join Maker Weekend

The core of betahaus is doing stuff. It's doing projects, doing it yourself, learning by doing, making things, producing or getting things done. We figured out that this is the perfect way for people to learn things, improve their skills and stay motivated on the way. Talking - Hell now! Let's do more stuff.

We want to contribute a whole Weekend to this. It's called MAKER WEEKEND and we are cooking a series of workshops for you on Saturdays and Sundays that are 100% focused on making.

What does this mean? Well, it just means that say we'll have a workshop on designing lamps, you'll actually make your own lamp and take it home. Taking a workshop on founding a company means you'll actually found your company on site. Code-Workshops will produce working codes, design workshops will produce products. Easy, no?

We'll test this format with a limited number of participants on december 8th & 9th.

The Design Workshops will all be sourced by Open Design City and the Build or Buy Store. The whole event will be facilitated by our lovely friends and Artists in Residents @betahaus Capsuling.me . In the exact middle of the whole happening (on Saturday night at 6 pm) we will host an awesome Design Market where you could find truly cool Christmas presents for those whom you anyway have to congratulate. NO hart-shaped gingerbreads included - as said, ONLY cool design products!

Well, that's it for now. Next monday we'll have a very hand tight idea of what exactly is going on and you can start signing up for the exact workshops you want to catch.

For more events like this, check the General & Upcoming section!

Over and out
