about betahaus
Katka Nagyová
June 10, 2014

Crowdfunding for Lexvisors

Check out the story of our coworker Sergio who founded Lexvisors based on his own experience. 

To make it happen they are running a crowdfunding campaign at the moment, read on and support!

How did you come up with the business?

I was a corporate lawyer for several years, wearing suits, ties, speaking with fancy technical words and passing huge bills to my clients. Then I changed sides and while running digital business for tech companies and startups I faced the bitter taste of having to spend 50% of my whole budget on legal issues. Some of those issues I could solve myself and saved a bunch of money for the company but not everyone has a legal background and can do so.In fact, 71% of the advice seekers don't get professional help to solve their legal problems due to the high costs of legal profession. I founded Lexvisors to make law easy, transparent and affordable for everyone.

Who is it for?

Lexvisors is great for entrepreneurs and freelancers who need quality legal advice to start their business and can't afford or simply don't want to spend thousands of € to get basic legal protection. This way they can allocate their startup capital in the things that really matter, like product, marketing, building a team, etc.

What will be next?

Primarily we will use the investment to increase our marketing activities and improve our user's interface. We are also negotiating an additional round of investment with private business angels to expand our sales team and build the new generation of do-it-your-self solutions. We have some cool features in the making that'll certainly make law easier for everyone.

You can find the full story in their crowdfunding campaign, check it out! Or click here to make your fist step in becoming a betahaus member!