about betahaus
Alice Nell
August 27, 2014

Countdown to 5 Years of betahaus: Greek Chic betabreakfast

Spice up your morning and forget about the chilly Berlin weather with a culinary excursion to Greece!

We will be welcoming Arodama to present an array of Greek Gourmet Products including a selection of herbs, oils, spreads and marmalades to make this an extra special nostalgia betabreakfast. For those of you who are unfamiliar with our weekly community breakfast, we like to begin the day with some tasty treats, new (or old friends) and even a pitch or presentation to start the day right.

Come and try delicious natural olives and wonderful Feta cheese among other taste buds arousals grown and produced under amazing Mediterranean Sun. While your mouth is filled with pleasure listen to the presentation about Food Branding from long-time betahaus members designlobby!

This event is part of the 5 years of betahaus Festival. Buy a ticket on Eventbrite for the betahaus festival and check out the festival program and more events here.