about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
April 18, 2013

Countdown for the Accelerator "Axel Springer Plug and Play"...

The countdown has almost ran out, hurry up startups! Applications for the first Axel Springer Plug and Play accelerator program can be submitted until tomorrow, April 19, 2013 at www.axelspringerplugandplay.com.

And why do we write about this?!

Because all the founders participating in the program will get the status of betahaus| member, which allows them to participate on the community events such as betabreakfast and attend our workshops. After the intense 3 month program all the participants will spend one month working from betahaus for free!

New startups in the house, more fun on the business workshops! Another great feature of participating in the acceleration is an opportunity to be selected to gain fame&fortune by participating at our global startup competition betapitch. Here the selected startup will pitch among the winners of all the six local betapitch competitions which are happening right now in the Europe. betapitch|global takes place on the 6th of July 2013 in Berlin, don't miss it! 

Want to know more about the accelerator?! Check out their Blog axelspringerplugandplay.com!

More upcoming events and announcements you can find in our beta calendar!