Is your wardrobe stuffed full of old clothes you no longer like? It's time to get rid of them!
In the spirit of sustainability and fair-trade we came up with a Swap Clothes Stand @ Santa Goes Green! Christmas Market.
We all have extra pieces of lovely clothing that bore us, they just lay in our wardrobe and feel unwanted. At the same time we desire new pieces, fresh pieces, but have a guilt of buying more and more stuff while having a wardrobe packed with undesirables.
Here is a solution to our over-clogged wardrobe problems! Clothes Swap Stand! Bring all pieces of clothing, bags, belts, etc. you don't enjoy wearing anymore and swap them for a piece that suits you best! This way you will give a chance for your clothes to shine again while you can walk away with cool stuff too!
In case you do not find a perfect mach for you, but still wish to give your clothes a new home, we offer you to sell them for maximum 5 euro a piece! Giving them for free is always an option!
To book your spot, please drop a line at bmcarneiro@gmail.com and come by the event at betahaus!