about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
December 13, 2012

Bond's Bunte Welt - Magazine

“Bond´s bunte Welt” is a fascinating new magazine published by our member Marcus Bond. There are only 200 pieces on sales. Get your issue in betahauscafé for only 6,- Euro!

Alessandro our intern did an interview with Marcus Bond:

Please provide a short description of the Magazine.

“Bond´s bunte Welt” is a mixture of GEO, brand eins and agora42 – but still different (no advertising for example). You can read about the fascinating life of the eel and why we should be cautious with our attitude towards China. It tells you how our brain works when we meet new people and why we mitfiebern when watching films. You even can find out why women are feeling cold so fast and why English girls and men walk around in T-Shirts in winter. There is a funny column about talkshows, a description of a day-trip to Tschernobyl, tons of arty pictures and more. I got great authors to contribute like the “Professor des Jahres 2011”, a China-Expert, the “brain” from IBM and many more. You can have a look online: bond-pr.de/bonds-bunte-welt

Why did you decide to write about these topics?

My goal was to create a magazine that makes sense. There is a great german word: Bereicherung. Each story should be a Bereicherung for the reader. The topics follow this goal. You can get a lot of insight from the magazine and still feel entertained (I hope). Other magazines only focus on nature or art or music or politics or Berlin. I had the Qual der Wahl to choose Content without any restriction.

Where are you planning to sell the magazine?

The Magazine is not intended to be for sale. I put it up as a present for my network (friends, customers, journalists, …) but hat to produce 200 pieces more than I needed. And those are for sale here in betahaus and in some cafes / shops that I like in Kreuzberg. You can get your issue in the betahaus-Café for only 6 Euro. A great present for birthdays, x-mas, … something special!

What do you do when not writing a Magazine?

I run BOND PR-Agenten, a PR agency working for agencies like Aperto and software companies like Sitecore. I also DJ, if you like electro/swing/techno, check out this: soundcloud.com/bond-030

What is your experience in the coworking environment and betahaus?

betahaus is great, much better than working constantly from home or in cafes. If you need help, just ask around. A few months ago I needed someone to translate a press release from Japanese to German and I found Nadja. She translates Mangas here I betahaus. Next day the job was done. She also did the proofreading for Bond´s bunte Welt.

What are your future goals?

A trip to Sri Lanka in February ;-)

Thank you very much for the interview!

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