Most of all though we are grateful. betapitch means a lot to us, also because it is a communal event, about and put together by community of friends, partners and supporters. Frankly, we would not be able to put it together without them. Thats why we need to give huge THANK YOUs and Shout Outs to a couple of people:
Dear finalists, your ideas, visions, businessmodells packed in 5 min pitches gave us the feeling we were in the first role of the next world cup.
Dear jury members, you were awesome, your wisedom, experience and questions let the 10 finalists not only sweat but will be a great help for their next milestones. Be prepared, some of them might give you a call in the next weeks.
Dear sponsors, it is your support in putting together our bootstrappackage that shows what betapitch is about and what sets us apart from other pitches: being part of a community of creative, daring, professional, inspired, supportive individuals.
Dear Balderton Capital, YouIsNow and Creathor Venture, thank you for your support and expertise, for making a second winner possible and for the delicious dinner afterwards.
And last but not least: A huge THANK YOU goes out the TwitRadar gang! They were responsible for the twitter wall, kept us updated during the event (TT No.2 in Berlin!) and put a lot of work into making it look the way we wanted it to. Some of them even flew in all the way from Brazil, just for the betapitch. Thank you for that!
Oh and we definitly would not have had such a great event with out the one and only superintern Max Krüger - he basicly did all the work that had to be done! We wouldn't have survived without him!
Now whats next? Maybe a betapitch at Google Campus London? For sure there will be a new round of the betapitch in Berlin on Sept 29th... get your Onepagers ready. After the pitch is before the pitch!! Over and out.
Click here for more announcements and events at the 'haus!