about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
April 2, 2013

Betapitch Sofia Searching for the Best Startups!

betapitch is the startup contest of betahaus in which promising teams get a head start and get a chance to work in lively home-like environment. The winning team will stay in betahaus for 6 months and will get everything needed for launching and further development of their ideas and products. Our mission is to make the stay of the top teams the most enjoyable and useful, therefore we’ll connect them with partners, mentors and investors to meet all the needs of start-ups.

Betapitch is coming to Bulgaria!

For the first time you can experience it on the 30th of May 2013 in betahaus | Sofia.

We search for 8 - 10 best startup projects who will be invited to present on the betapitch. First, the startups will go through an intense pitch training after which they will present upfront the handpicked jury, outstanding guests and Bulgarian media. Besides motivating stay in betahaus, winners will be rewarded with the right to participate in betapitch global, where they will compete with winners from across the Europe for prizes just as cash money, trip to Silicon Valley and a 7-month tour around the Europe. Let’s see it will be proven that Bulgarian entrepreneurs are the most passionate, ambitious and creative ones who have guts to show that they are the best in Europe.

Stay tuned and find more details here: www.betapitch.de/sofia/

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