about betahaus
Christoph Fahle
August 9, 2012

BETAPITCH | Global - Ready, Set, Go!

For the second time in 2012 we are awaiting your onepagers, which might well be your key to startup stardom. This time not only because you will become a member of the betahaus | Berlin community and receive all the support, contacts, knowledge, etc pp that includes. But also, because it might get you to the grande finale, betapitch | global, in June next year, where you will win the support of Coworking- and Startup communities all over Europe. Deadline is September 1st, the actual pitch is on September 22nd.

The time has come: the applications have started. 

So get your team together, sharpen your pens, pull the chair close to the desk and start writing your onepagers. You got work to do.

If you wanna watch, not pitch (or make all your enemies watch you win): reserve your tickets here.

Check out our calendar for upcoming events.